Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Yes, OBW(?)'s Are Everywhere

NashvilleJoe and I stopped by to visit a cacher friend that we hadn't seen in quite some time and in our talk, we discovered she had just turned 60 not too long ago. Well, that qualifies her to be a member of our illustrious(?) group and she happily became our newest member. Didn't have an official membership card with us but promised to send it to her. Welcome, Sis.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


When I went to log my caches last night that we had done on Sunday, we discovered we were at the same place as the SnowbirdsVT that day. It would have been so neat if we could have met up.
Anyhow, we plan to meet up with the Hobos today in middle GA on our way back home to TN.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Medical Update #3

Our member who had surgery got a great report from his doctor yesterday-no chemo or radiation necessary. Isn't that a blessing? He and his sweet wife are continuing to rest and relax at home.