Saturday, February 13, 2010

147 and counting

That makes 147 members now. Where will be find 3 more to make an even 150?

Found another OBW(?)-event in KY

Now here we all are at a flash mob event in Oak Grove, KY and I just have to ask this nice "young" man if he is 60? He laughs and says he is so I told him I wanted him to be the newest member of our OBW(?) group. I told him what it stood for and he said he wasn't sure about the "wiser" part so I said none of us did so he would fit right in. Please welcome Silver Guy from Hopkinsville, KY.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

GeoWoodstock 8-Seattle, WA-July 3, 2010

Just wondered how many of our OBW(?)'s are going to make the trek out to Seattle in July? Hikers2 (Charlotte) wants to get a group picture of those who are there so please contact her to let her know if you plan to be there. NashvilleJoe and I won't be able to go this year. We've had a family trip to Disney World planned for several years and this is the year for that. Hope all of you that head to WA have safe travels and a wonderful time. Hopefully we'll see you for GW 9 in 2011.